Friday, August 3, 2012

Mighty Mouse

 Mighty Mouse

Original Air Date: Syndicated theatrical shorts

"Here I come to save the day!" And here's another case where the content of this show, at least in its original incarnation as The Mighty Mouse Playhouse, was mostly made up of pre-existing theatrical shorts. However, it was on TV that Mighty Mouse truly became a star, as kids became quite fond of the cute little mouse who packed quite a punch, as he clobbered villains with Superman-type strength and abilities. There were several revivals of the character through the years, including a 1980s series by Ralph Bakshi that has quite the cult following and a place in TV controversy history, due to an accusation that a scene in which Mighty Mouse sniffed a flower actually alluded to cocaine use (yep, you read that right).
Of course, Mighty Mouse also needs to be singled out for one other reason -- the wonderful theme song, which remains as catchy today as ever, and of course was the inspiration for a famous Andy Kaufman bit.

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