Friday, August 3, 2012

Galaxy High

Galaxy High

Original Air Date: 1986
Network: CBS
This show definitely falls under the cult heading -- it actually didn't run very long, and many don't remember it all, but those who do have fond memories. The story of two human teenagers brought to an intergalactic high school, Galaxy High was developed by Chris Columbus, the Goonies and Gremlins writer who would go on to direct films like Home Alone and the first two Harry Potters. While certainly a show of its time in terms of its low-animation quality, there was a lot of appealing aspects to this series -- it's got an engaging wish fulfillment concept (going to school in outer space, with flying cars and crazy aliens everywhere!) and impressive character design, not to mention the sheer number of creatures the series portrayed. There were also some amusingly dark moments snuck in, such as a scene in which lead character Doyle smashes a fly between his hands, only to be told that the fly was a fellow student.

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